800 years ago, this man, called Timuyin and better known as Genghis Khan, “The King of the Universe”, managed to create the largest empire ever known in the history of humanity. It all begin in the year 1190 when Genghis Khan managed to bring together the different nomadic tribes of Mongolia in a single, powerful army of 200,000 men. This, and his undoubted military genius, enabled him to conquer vast territories, stretching from the Pacific to the heart of Europe, and from northern Siberia to India, Iran and Turkey. With the end of the Khan dynasty, a series of civil wars threw the country into confusion, until, in 1578, Buddhism was established as the form of government, under the leadership of Altan Khaan. Two centuries later, Mongolia came under Chinese control, until 1924 when, with the creation of the soviet bloc, the country converted to communism and became a satellite of the USSR. With the arrival of the Russians, Mongolia underwent rapid changes, modernis...